Monday, July 11, 2011

New Condominium Near KLCC

originally posted on 25th May 2011

Although most property developers in Malaysia claim that their development is different, essentially there's nothing really new. It's a matter of repackaging and repacking the same old product. As my friend says, "Otherwise, marketers will be out of a job."

There's a new condo being built near KLCC on Jalan Tun Razak, just as you exit SMART tunnel before turning into KLCC parking. Boldly emblazoned across the hoarding is a line, somewhat similar to, but not quite and much longer, because I was driving and couldn't read properly:

"A new development for the who's who to live in the where's where."

And though the idea of a strategically located residence for VIPs is done to death and then some, I thought the line communicated it in a pleasantly quirky manner. 

Just perhaps, if I may do so without appearing like a know it all, it can be written more succinctly. Say...

"The Where's Where for the Who's Who"

And now I wished I had come up with that all on my own so that I can use the line for the next property campaign I work on.

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