Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We are more alike than you think

(click image to enlarge)

Recent incidents I've witnessed have prompted me to create this poster:

A puppy,
who was kept in a cage for most of the day, hardly petted or played with.

A rabbit,
who died when its owners went off for a holiday, and its body rotted and was left for some days even after they returned.

Two kittens,
one died and the other left dying after a car backed over it and drove off. Another car came and, ignoring the tiny body still heaving for breath in the middle of the road, ran over it again.

And although some religion believe that animals do not have souls, they still feel pain and fear. Can we claim to be more evolved beings if we do not show a bit of humanity?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tacky is Sticky

I was lamenting to a friend of mine that recent advertising taglines were rather tacky, to which she commented, "Tacky is sticky".

How true! For example, the "Happy birthday cake to you" line by one particular ice cream retailer is strange, but sticks firmly in my head.

I spotted another example in Manila by one of its local skincare brands, combining the word 'skin' with other relevant words that start with the last letters of the former: SKindulge, SKintellectual, Skinfatuated and, my favourite, SKingenious.

Slightly over the top, but utterly memorable!