Friday, January 11, 2013

Perception change

I had recently met up with a potential client who told me that they had recently changed their name from Tsunami--. Before she even explained the reason for the name change, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami crossed my mind. Even in that flitting moment, I thought that maybe it was just because I am working on Hotel Tales 2 and had recently met a hotelier who survived the horrific day. I had been researching the event, watching videos and reading up on survivors' accounts, facts and other information.

She went on to explain that it was indeed because of that tragedy that the name brought on such negative images and connotations. 

Prior to the incident, I suppose that 'tsunami' would have been associated with great strength, speed and majesty. Now, it just means death and destruction.

Other phrases or words that has undergone a perception change must therefore include 'twin towers', 'nuclear', 'earthquake', 'hurricane' and so forth. Not that the world had not seen great tragedies before, but because we are now so connected globally that almost all sad events will touch us in our own corner of the earth. So, be wary when naming your company or product. Always know what's going on in the world, especially where your clients are from. And don't be afraid to rebrand if necessary!

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